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Does anyone now if of any grocery stores who carry Rich's foodservice products, ...

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specifically their soybean-based, non-dairy whipped topping? I found out that it is the delicious topping on Tim Horton's cafe mocha, which I love. I also found out that TH's cafe mocha is just half hot chocolate, half coffee. So, if I can find the whipped topping (which is crucial for me), then I could make my own at home!


How pathetic is this post?:) Anyway, if I can't find it in a retail store, would anyone know if individuals can order from food service providers and what a minimum order might be?


Okay, now I feel really pathetic!:)

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This stuff comes frozen in a pastry bag with a star tip. You just thaw it and squeeze it on. It is *so* good! It is thicker, creamier, and sweeter than the whipped cream in a can. I don't know if it is available in any store, since Rich's is a foodservice distributor. I actually don't care for the other versions of cafe mocha I have tried (at Starbucks and the Olive Garden), partly because they were too bitter and the coffee flavor was too strong, and mostly because they didn't have the same kind of whipped cream! Okay, so I said I was pathetic, right?

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They sell it. I think many places that sell to restaurants would sell it and the Gordon one seems to specialize in being open to the public. It's like the opposite of a Sam's or something...no membership required and anyone can shop there anytime. I buy the Rich's bettercreme and use that in place of real whipped cream on cakes I make for customers. It's far more stable and they like it better than real whipped cream...the item you want is sold right next to the product I buy.

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