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Ways to control kid TV shows

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Currently we have a dvr and record old cartoons we approve of for the kids...smurfs, jetsons, etc...They are permitted tv only sat and sunday mornings 7-9AM IF we have nowhere to be that requires leaving early or getting ready that early. They only watch the dvr'd shows or movies from the library. They wouldn't think to look at the menu and watch anything else because this has been our routine for a few years. Then I can sleep in and not worry :D DH and I maybe watch 2-3 evening shows a week. DH watches football on Sundays in the fall.


So for the average 7 hours a week our tv is actually on, it seems like we are spending a lot of money for satellite. But I hesitate to change the protocol for fear the children will stumble on things we don't want them to see and /or inappropriate commercials. If you use Hulu or Netflix streaming, etc...how do you monitor show selection or is there some other option I'm not considering? (besides no television at all :001_smile:)



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We are almost a no TV family but have kept it because there are a handful of shows we like to occasionally watch. We normally watch an episode or two a month. I'd skip the expense of satelite and netflix entirely and get shows from the library. There's no problem then of what the kids can watch.


ETA: Didn't see the bit about football. Would your DH be willing to watch that online? I think ESPN shows games.

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