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Do any of you have "coming of age" rituals you do with your dc...

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when they hit certain milestones. I was reading the books "The Wonder of Girls" and "The Wonder of Boys" and in both the author recommends having special rituals for kids when they hit certain age or maturity milestones (like start of period in girls- author talked about someone taking their 12yog to the beach with her aunt and presenting her with symbolic gifts to "celebrate" her becoming a young woman or something special you do when kids are old enough to be confirmed into the church, etc...).


I was just wondering if others do these types of things and wanted some creative ideas for making certain times in my kids lives more special.



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my dh went with him on a long trip, car camping out west. It was a huge success, they had a wonderful, once in a lifetime bonding time. I have three boys, and we are planning a similar trip for my 11 yo in 18 months, when he is about 13. They are already talking about it, making plans. It was worth all the time, and every penny.

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