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Hitler and classical ed

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My dd and I just finished reading "Hitler" by Robert Marrin. At the same time I'm reading "The Case for Classical Christian Education" by Doug Wilson.

It really struck my on pg. 91 of Hitler,"Education was the key to the future." Then great detail is gone into about the educational machine that was put into place to create this group of people that followed evil wholeheartedly, that was anti-thought,anti-education, raciest, sexist. Wow.

All that juxtaposed to this longing for a community of people who really get classical ed (which is why I'm purusing the boards so much). Some of what I read in the Hitler book just gave me the willies regarding the American educational process (I did a lit review on the history of ed in America for a master's thesis). whoa.

I've led co-ops for a few years but it just seems like so many parents want "fun"- they don't see the great value and fun in learning. We've been advising a "classical" group for awhile but they want the end goal, not the process -kwim?

It just feels like our country is so sleeppy, and homeschoolers too. Does this make sense? Does anyone else have that longing for a IRL community of like-minded people who get it.

(Disclaimer: as I read this, I see that I am not being very clear. Still in primary process here).

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I do believe learning to think reasonably and discern thoughtfully is of absolute importance in education. Not to mention holding virtue as the highest good!


I, happily, have an IRL group of homeschooler who 'get it.' I guess I should count my blessings!

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I do think I understand you. I see the same things you have mentioned.


I find it hard for me to keep my focus on the process, and not on the end goal, because frankly, I was never taught how to do so. My entire educational life was focused on the end goals of scoring high on tests and getting into a good college, and then getting a degree.


So it's been hard. I have no idea how to do this.

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I've led co-ops for a few years but it just seems like so many parents want "fun"- they don't see the great value and fun in learning.


I personally want our co-op classes to be fun but it is because I am so demanding on the boys at home. Co-op is a place for us to experience fun things with friends. I do not need to add to our already busy homeschooling schedule.


We've been advising a "classical" group for awhile but they want the end goal, not the process -kwim?


I think this is true of many things in our society. People want the end result but not the work that goes with it. I think it is all due to materialism. It is easy to buy things for you kids, not so easy to build relationships with them or discipline them.

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I do think I understand you. I see the same things you have mentioned.


I find it hard for me to keep my focus on the process, and not on the end goal, because frankly, I was never taught how to do so. My entire educational life was focused on the end goals of scoring high on tests and getting into a good college, and then getting a degree.


So it's been hard. I have no idea how to do this.


Well, it depends what the goal is. The number written on a report card, even the piece of paper you recieve as you graduate are so temporal. They say nothing about who we really are. Our goal here is to raise noble human beings who think clearly, have strong moral character and integrity, who love others and will leave the world a more beautiful place than it was before they arrived.


Unless we know where we are going how can we map our course?

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