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Help me identify this movie?

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Dh and I have been racking our brains trying to remember the name of this movie so we can rent or buy it. I have done every search I could think of on google, imdb, and yahoo movies. My only hope is that another human will recognize it. Dh and I loved this movie and rented it several times on Laserdisc (dating myself), but cannot remember the Title or any actors.


It was made in the 1990's. It was most likely American, but might have been British. It is kind of a dark comedy, but is more about the changes in relationships as the characters have moved on with their post-college lives. The basic plot is something like this:


A group of late 20's early 30's friends, most knew each other in college, get together for a weekend reunion in a house off the beaten path. There is a strong focus on the food and the cooking of the dinner. Before they eat a passerby has car problems and asks to use their phone. Somehow (I don't remember exactly) they end up killing the passerby. Throughout the night more people end up murdered. Most of the movie is spent with the friends sitting around the dinner table talking about their lives, the murders are kind of secondary. My husband says that tomato sauce (the cooking and eating of) is an important part.


Ring any bells for anyone?

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I'm glad you got help. I think I've seen this movie. They went to the University of Micihgan and the story is set during the annual big game vs Ohio State that they watch on TV. Is that familiar?


I could have swore Jeff Goldblum was in it, but he's not in the credits for Last Spper so I may be thinking of something else.

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I'm glad you got help. I think I've seen this movie. They went to the University of Micihgan and the story is set during the annual big game vs Ohio State that they watch on TV. Is that familiar?


I could have swore Jeff Goldblum was in it, but he's not in the credits for Last Spper so I may be thinking of something else.


Volty, I think you're thinking of "The Big Chill."

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