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New AP study group website designed by students for students!

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Posted this on the Highschool forum as well.


On another thread we were discussing having our AP syllabus approved by the college board, and a thought came to mind.


Last year my daughter and her friends developed a website designed to support other homeschooling teens who were taking AP's or other college level courses.


It is meant to support each other by sharing information (books, videos, etc), asking questions and supporting each other through the process.


I've asked her if they would have a section for Moms so that we could also connect.


Here is the write up that they put together, the website can be found at the end of the write up -- Hope many of the AP teens will join!


Announcing STUDI (Students Throughly Understanding Difficult Ideas), a new, online resource designed for homeschoolers by homeschoolers. We created STUDI when, as homeschoolers, we realized we lacked a network to reach out and provide each other with support and a method to share our ideas, knowledge, and resources when taking advanced and AP® courses.


Advanced tests are important to homeschoolers. A good score on a SAT II or AP® exam, for example, validates academic performance in the eyes of a college admissions officer. It’s very useful to prepare thoroughly for them, but this is easier said than done. If you can’t find good study materials, or have questions that nobody you know can answer, studying becomes a miserable chore.


Thus, STUDI was born, providing homeschoolers with the ability to network together and create a worldwide community.


STUDI provides:


Lists of user-rated educational materials, including:


Textbooks, online and hard copy


Videos, online or DVD


Courses, online and correspondence


Support Forums, where students can both ask questions and answer them


Soon to come weekly tips!


A thriving community to participate in the forums




Take a look at STUDI (https://sites.google.com/site/apstudi/home) today to see what you can discover! Whether you are taking an online AP® course, or self studying, STUDI can be a network filled with resources and a community of support for you.

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Just wanted to update this post to let everyone know that the STUDI group just added a Mom's group so that we can discuss AP's more specifically.


They also just added a Creative Writing Group!


I posted an introduction on the Mom's Group -- hope you all join!



Deb in NJ

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