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Computer trouble - not sure how to identify

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I am having trouble viewing khanacademy videos, among other things.


Here's what I know:


The computer is <1 year old.

Internet connection is satellite (HughesNet), and usually serves my needs.

It's extremely windy today - which, theoretically, can be a factor - but weather has never been an issue before AND the trouble began before the wind kicked in.

Satellite dish and all connecting cords seem solid and secure.

I'm not over my HughesNet kb "allowance". I never am.

I have a solid antivirus program in place (ESET)


Websites I have been able to view in the past, but I'm now having trouble with include:


khan (audio is perfect, video is "patchy" or non-existent)

Google maps (satellite or map views are perfect; street view is patchy)

news and other sites with short (imbedded??) videos (again, the audio is there, just no complete pictures, and sometimes there are lines of text missing)


What I've done:


Cleared the history of cookies, etc. (Because sometimes I don't know what else to do!)

Went through the entire Adobe Flash troubleshooting guide, following instructions (to a "t"!) to download the latest player.


Is this possibly still a flash player problem, though? The reason I ask is because youtubes are not a problem, but khanacademy is. And no matter how I google my problem, the best hits direct me to Adobe Flash troubleshooting.


Ack! Add another "symptom" to the list. I just noticed that not all of my text is the same size. Might I just have a sick monitor??


I will be calling HughesNet in a bit. Do I describe my problem as "good audio, bad video", or what?


I'll take any ideas you have. Thank you!

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Woo Hoo! I am back in business! Thank you so much, MomatHWTK.


While I did not end up reinstalling the flash video driver (because I haven't yet been able to locate mine :blush:), your lead gave me a new way to google the problem. I ended up at an Intel troubleshooting tool, that told me I just needed to update the driver I have. I never knew to check on the driver. (Double blush)


I just checked all my favorite online haunts, and the videos are working like a charm and the text stopped being all wonky.


Oh my word, I owe you a cup of coffee at the least!


Thanks again.

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