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Galore Park Science


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There are a few people here who have used it. Jenny in Atl will probably chime in soon. I'm considering it for this fall, so I will be :lurk5: watching this thread with interest.


I'm curious about how long it takes to complete it in one year. Can it be done twice a week?

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I, too, would like to hear more about GP Science. We have just finished MPH (Singapore) Science 4 and I am looking for other options. MPH is fine, but I am always looking for better.


Can anyone compare the two programs? I do read that Singapore gets more challenging as it goes along....so we might just stick with it. However, if GP sounds WONDERFUL then we'll give it a try!



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I heard from Ray at Horrible Books and he said he has the books and offers them with a 25% discount. The price seems reasonable, I think I might order them and see for myself.


I just wish I could page through them first before buying. Even after reading a description of a product, I'm never sure until I page through it. Unfortunately, in most cases you can't return it after you open it.


Oh well, unless someone has an opinion about the course I think I will order it to check it out.

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Yes, we are using it, level 2. It's for 13 year-old in UK to study for the Common Entrance Exams.


Level 2 is spilt into three sections, Life and living processes (bio, includes sex ed, and health too), Materials and their properties (chemistry), & Physical processes (physics). I would not say the text is very deep or difficult, but it is dense (433 pages). My dd12 who is not a science fan, really likes it. It's laid out in a similar manner to all GP's texts (similar feel to LP, English Prep, History, and Study Skills. I order from Ray and have never had a problem with his service.



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Have you used Prentice Hall? If so, how does it compare to those texts? We are using PH and are happy with it, but you know.....the grass is always greener......


We LOVE all the GP books we are using so the Science is tempting. 36_1_42.gif







Ya, we used the Earth Science ones this year. I would say GP is a little "harder" but not much. It feels more grown-up. Very frank review of sex ed, reproductive system, nothing like I have seen in US texts.


There is a ton of info though, and feels a little like you are trying to cover all the main points before delving deeper into the subjects for high school. I have not seen the PH single subjects texts, like Bio. I have heard those are very good too. I still have no idea what I will used after GP and the Elements. :confused:

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Ya, we used the Earth Science ones this year. I would say GP is a little "harder" but not much. It feels more grown-up. Very frank review of sex ed, reproductive system, nothing like I have seen in US texts.


There is a ton of info though, and feels a little like you are trying to cover all the main points before delving deeper into the subjects for high school. I have not seen the PH single subjects texts, like Bio. I have heard those are very good too. I still have no idea what I will used after GP and the Elements. :confused:


Would you say that one is more "concept" oriented than the other? By that I mean, is one more geared towards the ideas, whereas the other may be more geared towards vocabulary and factual content? Or would you consider them about the same?

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I would say more the similar than different. However, the summary questions in GP are more thinking kind, than the just looking up the facts in the chapter. It's also less busy, and hits on the important points quicker. I still think PH is a great series, but I love GP! Sorry, wish I could could be more decisive.

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Thanks Jenny. I appreciate all the info. Is there a list of things needed for experiments and are you able to complete the experiments? Also, is there a question section or do you make up your own tests? Is the information presented in such a way that they retain it well?

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Thanks Jenny. I appreciate all the info. Is there a list of things needed for experiments and are you able to complete the experiments? Also, is there a question section or do you make up your own tests? Is the information presented in such a way that they retain it well?


I'm not a big test giver, so the lack of tests for each week is not an issue for us. The whole book is to prepare for a test on general science. I would guess it would not be hard to make up "pop" quizzes or even a chapter test if needed for comfort.


There was also a question about measurements or terms. Since we have used Singapore math from the start, my kids are very comfortable with the metric system. We are also quite comfortable with any British English that may pop up. So far, I have not run across anything that would be hard to understand.



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One more question...Am I hijacking this post? Sorry!!!


Experiments? How simple/hard/involved? How many? Anything else you can tell us?


Thanks! You rock!


Oops, missed your question. So far there are no "experiments", just questions and thinking exercises, filling in a graph, etc. So far there have been a couple that you could easily turn into an experiment if you wanted to. I even looked ahead to the chemistry section, there are experiments illustrated, but the student does not actually do them, unless you want to. However, there is a fun bit about making invisible ink (I know Fi will have us do this for sure). I got the Elements to go along with GP because Fi loves experiments, so it will be a nice brake for both of them to do some simple ones together.


I miss being able to show you this stuff in person. :(

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The activities are analyzing the experiment illustrated in the section. There are a few in the chemistry section you could duplicate easily with household items, but I don't see the point. The text is just not meant for ongoing labs. I would not recommend GP science if you have a child that loves labs, and needs to physically go through the moves in order to understand the concepts (this would be me). My dd12 does not need to. She is more auditory and visual. It's enough for her to read and hear about something.



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