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What curriculum uses MOH 3 as spine?

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Is there a curriculum which uses MOH 3 (The Renaissance, Reformation, and Growth of Nations, covering people and events from 1455 to 1707) as a spine with TM + schedule?


I like this series and have used it with WP, but it is not used in WP R&R. I am trying to avoid writing our own schedule for next year.



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Heart of Dakota uses it in their Resurrection to Reformation guide. I will be using it next year with my 8th grader. It is scheduled for independent reading along with other resources but not as a spine for the entire year. It is read in entirety over 21 weeks.




You may want to check with Biblioplan. I know at one time the MOH series was scheduled as an optional spine in their courses. I'm not sure if they still use it or not.

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Yes, the first part of HOD would cover the time-period that you are already studying. I don't recall exactly when BP starts Yr. 2 but I do believe that it would be fairly easy to just pick up with BP at whatever week you want to begin. I don't think you would have to start at Week 1. BP is flexible. They schedule alot of resources but it's not a problem to pick and choose from their suggestions.


Have you checked to see if there is a yahoo group for MOH 3? You may be able to find a schedule that is already put together for you.

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Funny that you should ask... I have just spent the last 30min perusing that MOH 3 yahoo group :001_smile:. There is a link that looks helpful.

Thank you!


Hmmm... it doesn't seem to have as much help available as the other MOH groups. I thought you may be able to find a schedule already put together that included other books but I don't see one.

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