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Workbooks with RightStart?

Jen Becker

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I'd like to hear some first-hand experience using some sort of workbook as an addition to RightStart level A/B (for instance, maybe Singapore?). My DD loves worksheets, so I'd like to have something I could leave out for her to do independently every so often.


I'd like it to encourage grouping by 5/10 like RightStart does and generally mesh with the more mental math of RS.



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Singapore works well with RS. Because of the differences in S&S between the two programs, you would need to either teach the subtraction part of Singapore 1A/B out of the Singapore textbook or skip those sections until your student is in RS C.


DS is finishing up the last bit of RS B and is working his way through the Singapore 1B Intensive Practice book. He has already finished the 1B textbook and Challenging Word Problems 1. I'm not having him use the Singapore workbook.


I plan to take DS through at least the first part of RS C before transitioning over to just Singapore.

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I've used both Singapore and MEP to jazz up outr math...if we get a little bogged down or just to give my DD a new way of thinking. Singapore 1A seems very basic at first, but 1B ramps it up. I would skip the textbook and just get the workbook if you are using it to supplement.

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