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Special Needs World - Light It Up Blue!

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World Autism Awareness Day is April 2nd, and Special Needs World is holding a competition to see who can "Light It Up Blue" in the most unique and interesting way. The winner will get an Autism Play and Sign set from Signing Time! I have set up a group under the "Groups" page where you can post your pictures of how you lit up your house, car, building etc with blue lights in honor of the World Autism Awareness Day, and will choose a winner to be announced on April 7th. Here is the link...



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Just letting you know that your thread has been read and noted.


I'll pass the info along to my sister in law. Her kids don't have autism, but they both have PDD-NOS which for them has similar characteristics to autism.


(I know it's not politically correct, but I now have the song, "I'm so BLUE without you..." stuck in my head.)

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