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DS 3 not sleeping

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I don't know what is going on with my kids, mostly my DS. The last couple nights they have not been sleeping at ALL. I posted a couple weeks ago about him not sleeping at night, and he was getting out of his room and roaming the apartment and causing mayhem. He started sleeping really well after that, until like five days ago.


When he goes to bed, he will sleep for about 3-4 hours and then he will wake up. It is a toss-up, sometimes he wakes his sister up at the same time too (they sleep in the same room). So, the other night they both woke up around 11pm, and didn't go back to sleep until 1:30-2am. Then my daughter woke up again at 4am, and didn't go back to sleep until 6:30am. I am not kidding... Normally she is not the one who wakes up.


Last night he woke up around 10pm- after barely being down for two hours. I put him back in his room around midnight, and two hours later he was still awake. He did not go back to sleep. If I try to lay with him, he refuses to lay down/stay still. He was up until about 8 in the morning.


I am absolutely exhausted. I have been getting 3-4 hours of sleep, if that, over night. We were all able to sleep in today, so I am just praying that he will go to sleep on time tonight and stay asleep. I am sorry this is not very cohesive, I am just exhausted.


I just have no idea what to do.

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So my ds has been doing the same thing!! The current solution is he is only allowed a 2 hour nap, which is occurring earlier in the day...then he is woken up. I also make sure he is woken up at 7 am everyday regardless of how little he slept the night before. This appears to be working!! He has not woken up multiple times at night for almost 2 weeks now...even while sick! So it might be something to try.

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