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Shurley English for 6th grade


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I have been planning on using Caught 'Ya grammar, along with some critical thinking software and a few other things cobbed together, but came upon a suggestion to use Shurley English 7 for 6th grade. When I started looking at past posts here, it felt like 7 would be ok for a 6th grader, but those children had already been using the program for a while. My dd loves writing and is really seeing now how a better knowledge of grammar will make her writing even better. I'd like to support that thought while it lasts!! :001_smile: Any suggestions would be appreciated. Oh, I guess I should add that she is an auditory learner and the jingles seem like they would work for this learning style. Thank you!



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Is Shurley English a good companion to IEW? I would be switching from BJU English (which does grammar and writing alternate chapters). And I have boys who will be in 3rd and 5th grades next year. Would you switch just the older boy? It seems after watching some of the YouTube videos mentioned here that the IEW writing stuff would be great for older kids. Just confused and finding new alternatives daily here, you know, on the search for the perfect solution to all my homeschooling woes...lol!



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Thanks for your reply. She has had grammar, but I have tried to keep it fun and fairly light. I used Stewart with my older daughter when she was in 7th or 8th and still have the book, but my 6th grader is definitely not ready for it. Older dd liked that it covered all of what she needed in a clear, straight forward way, but it is not fun!!!!:) Very dry, really...


We are hoping to get I.E.W. this year, too. We also have writers, inc and write source 2000, both of which are very clear writers guides, but I am hoping for a good way to cover this area.


Thanks again,



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Shurley and IEW work well together...but I suppose any good grammar program would work well with IEW. IEW is great for all ages...my 2nd grader caught on to the concepts and had fun dictating to me but that required even more of my time. So, if you use IEW with your 3rd grader just take is slowly and don't require as much.


Shurley is set up for grammar lessons 4 days a week for 32 weeks so it is rather intense. I haven't done level 7, yet, but I thought the concepts in level 4,5 & 6 were clearly laid out so I assume level 7 is as well. I am not going to have my kids do every practice set and quiz - there is just too much work. It was designed for a classroom. I really like Shurley, it's about as fun as grammar can be but if it is too much for your dd you will have to spread it out or start chopping.

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