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Any Recent Experiences with American School of Correspondence?

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My ds is currently taking two classes with American School. He has recently sent in his first exams, so we haven't had experience with feedback and grading yet. We are very pleased with their materials and like how straight-forward the program is. It is a clear-cut, efficient way to earn credits from an accredited program. It leaves time for the student to pursue other interests, for enrichment, or to finish HS in less than 4 years if desired.


The only drawbacks I see are a lack of direct support from a teacher or any similar perks offered by more expensive programs, and sending tests via snail mail can be inconvenient. I wouldn't hesitate to give them a try!

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My daughter who graduated last year used this. She got tired of it after about 2 1/2 years, it can get pretty boring. So she didn't get her diploma from them, she finished up with community college courses and home designed courses. But we still thought it was worth the price, even without getting the accredited diploma. It was helpful for her to have someone else grade her stuff, and she did learn from the courses, although some were better than others. I will probably re-use most of the math and science texts with my younger kids.

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I plan to use it next year with 15yos, but haven't used it yet.


But we still thought it was worth the price, even without getting the accredited diploma.


Did you pay for the diploma, or did you pay for something smaller? I'm trying to decide whether to pay for the whole thing, or take it slower in case we don't finish.


We're also trying to decide what to do with what he is doing this year. From what I understand, he can either test out of the classes and get credit for them, or just be placed at a higher level to begin with and go through the whole program.

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