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Stuttering only while reading???

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DS stutters only while he reads. Aside from the stuttering he actually reads quite well, just slower at times depending on what kind of day he is having. Sometimes the stuttering will occur with words that he has been able to read for quite some time and other times they are new words. Often times he will also back up and repeat 2 or 3 words he has already read when the stuttering occurs. The stuttering doesn't seem to bother him. In fact, he has never even indicated that he knows he is doing it.


Anyone have any experience with this kind of thing?



ETA: I don't know if knowing any of this will help but....he does have mild OCD and Attention/Focus issues. He is not an auditory learner. He is very visual and hands on. Oh and he is a little far sighted and wears reading glasses.

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