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One more Dancing Bears ???? please


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My plan of attack at this point is to go through the DB series (due to much praise) but if it doesn't work then I plan to invest in Barton. So...


I am just about ready to order for my ds10. We have just recently started using Apples and Pears and I really think it is going to work...I have high hopes anyway. Right now we are reading book 1 of the Christian Liberty Readers for fluency. He is doing well with it. My question is how does DB help with fluency? I'm concerned that the cursor will be a hindrance to him. How will that makes his reading flow smoothly? He consistently misreads sight words but will usually correct himself if it doesn't make sense. He also reads through punctuation or stops before he gets to it.




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I'm not sure how or why the cursor helps but it does.


Prior to using DB my DS11 had learned to look all over the page for word clues (this was actually encouraged in his public school). The cursor helped to stop this horrible habit.

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You know, I'm not sure if the cursor will directly help reading fluency as much as indirectly.


What I mean is...I see DB mainly as a decoding program. At first you are learning to really focus on the phonograms revealed one at a time with the cursor. Then later they work on the word building exercises that really help with "chunking" a word to read larger words.


But, if you are practicing, practicing, practicing decoding it begins to get easier. Your child won't be spending all their efforts just in sounding out their words. They can then focus more on the punctuation, etc.


While my DD really hates her DB lessons, they are doing good. While reading the other day, she came to a word that she didn't know and, for the first time since I can remember, didn't guess, pause, or just wait for me to give it to her. She audibly sounded that word out. I don't remember her ever doing that before.

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I have to agree. I don't know why it works exactly, except that it really forces them to see each sound and it becomes automatic for them. My son is doing both DB and Barton but I can't say for sure which is helping the most.


Good luck,

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