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Middle school MFW users (past ones too), input please

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I'm looking at switching to MFW for 4th (we'll do ECC) and then continue with the rotation for middle school. I have a couple of questions for those of you who are using it or have used it.


Do you feel it provides a strong foundation for the student as they head into high school?


Are the 7th & 8th grade supplements worthwhile and challenging?


Does/do your child/children enjoy it at this age?


If you were using MFW, but left it during the middle years, could you tell me why?


I'm tired of planning, so I'm looking at something that I can use for the long haul, and MFW is resonating with me right now.


Thanks for your time!

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This is what we're doing for my 4th grader. WE're in ECC this year and will continue with the history rotation through 8th grade. I haven't decided what to do for High School yet, but I've got some time :). Now I have to say, that ECC hasn't been my favorite, just because of stress going on in life this year and lack of planning time on my part, and lack of time to incorporate the fun things that make this program so special. But it is all laid out for you. And it's a wonderful Biblical program. I'll let others that have used it further along speak to the supplements, etc. Hope my little tidbit helps.

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I am also asking this same question. We are currently using ECC as well with a 12, 10, 8 and 6 yr old. I am very happy with it. The older package is perfect for my 12ds. I don't think CTG is going to work for oldest. First of all he has read all the books already:tongue_smilie:! But I have heard that 13 is too young for the highschool. So I don't really know where to go from here. I would love to know from others who have done with a jr. high child.


Thanks for any input:)



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I saw your thread on ignoring posts so I did a search to see what threads you've started that you didn't get a lot of responses to and low and behold it was something I could contribute to ...go figure.


Well I can sort of respond to it. I have a copy of MFW ECC in my hands and I've read a lot of threads here about other users' "issues" with ECC and started to get scared. So I mapped out the first 5 weeks of the curriculum to get a feel for what I will be doing each week with my rising 6th and 8th grader next year. I'm feeling a bit more confident now that I've actually combed through it myself. I also found free pdfs on Mama Jenn's blog to supplement the student sheets. Other users have complained that the student sheets that MFW provides are lacking. I am also using next year to focus on composition (adding in the Lit guides MFW ECC suggests which includes essay topics) and PSAT/SAT prep so I didn't want a heavy history year. I am thinking of adding Window to the World for lit analysis as well which can be done in 15 weeks. So I feel like my middle schoolers will be pretty busy and my 8th grader will be more than prepared to begin MFW AHL the following year.


But as plans go more than likely I will tweak again as it is hard to know how curriculum will truly fair until you start to execute. I've read other posters who've said they got bored and stopped ECC after one semester. I'm open to that if I feel it is necessary. Maybe do Geography 1/2 the year and a traditional history the 2nd half of the year. I'll just have to wait and see how things go. But at this point I'm excited to get started with it come September.



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Well, my situation is different than yours so not sure how much help I'll be, but I'm doing RtR this year with a 5th grader and an 8th grader. What is 'enough' is different for everyone but I definitely feel it is enough for my 8th grader. She is doing LA and math on her own level, of course, and I expect more from her on the notebooking summaries than I do from ds. They do seem to be enjoying it (as much as they enjoy any school anyway, LOL), and we are all learning a lot. I'm planning to move her into AHL next year while continuing with the history cycle with my ds.


HTH a bit.


I'm looking at switching to MFW for 4th (we'll do ECC) and then continue with the rotation for middle school. I have a couple of questions for those of you who are using it or have used it.


Do you feel it provides a strong foundation for the student as they head into high school?


Are the 7th & 8th grade supplements worthwhile and challenging?


Does/do your child/children enjoy it at this age?


If you were using MFW, but left it during the middle years, could you tell me why?


I'm tired of planning, so I'm looking at something that I can use for the long haul, and MFW is resonating with me right now.


Thanks for your time!

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I have nothing of value to contribute' date=' but I don't want you to go on thinking you're being ignored ... and to give your thread another bump. :001_smile: I think I take the record for the number of threads with 0, 1 or 2 replies. :lol:[/quote']


Teachin'Mine, you are awesome! Thank you!


Thank you also jamajo and Sheila! The input is very helpful. When I mentioned ECC to my son he seemed very excited to learn about about different cultures and countries, so I'm hoping it will last us the entire year. We just learned that a friend of ours will most like be doing ECC as well (he's a year older than my eldest); we've discussed a mini co-op type of scenario as a possibility. That could make it more exciting if we begin to fall into the rut others have mentioned. We'll see!


I appreciate the link to Mama Jenn's blog as well! I'm off to check it out now... :D

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