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I get to order TOG (finally!) what do I need to order first?

Shelly in IL

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It depends. I, personally, would get a bonus bundle. From the TOG web site:

bb08y2.gif Bonus Bundle 08: Year 2


Here's your best deal on a year's worth of Tapestry of Grace products!


The Bundle: one complete Year-Plan, Map Aids, and reinforced tabs--plus your choice of Writing Aids, a full year of Pop Quizzes, a full year of lapbook kits, or every level of Evaluations.


The Bonus: your choice of a Unit 1 Pop Quiz, Unit 1 Lapbook Kit, any one level of Evaluations, or $15 Gift Certificate.


Put them together and you've got the most bang for your educational buck!

Price: $295.00



If you didn't want any of the extras I would at least get the year plan and the Map Aids.

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I personally love ALL the add-ons. If you have younger, crafty children that learn by doing, the lapbooks are very nice. If you have older children and you want a means by which to evaluate their learning for a transcript, the Evaluations are fabulous. We tested every week and did all the Unit Exams. Before they had the evaluations, I always wondered how to go about grading their understanding. This really helped. The Pop-quizzes are nice for dad - and I listened to them early in the week while getting ready in the morning (they are a 10 minute overview of each week), to get me going before I read the teacher's notes. This would be the optional leave out, if you liked everything else they offer for extras and didn't want to purchase everything.


Have fun shopping!



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Do you want to do the writing portion of TOG or do you already have a writing program? Writing Aids would be good if you are using TOG for writing. Pop Quiz is a good summary for dad, but I like to listen to them myself. The lapbooks would be fun for your 3rd grader (maybe even your 7th grader.)


If I were new to TOG I would purchase the bonus bundle with Writing Aids and a lapbook as a the bonus.

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The easiest thing to do is go to the Bookshelf and do a power search of year 2 lower grammar, I think you can only do one unit at a time. Put all the items in a cart and you will see the price. I use my library a lot, I don't use every book, and I buy used; if you are willing to do those things you will not spend anything near what is in the cart.

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