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Catholics, I need some advice!

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I'm sorry.


There are many Catholics who feel confident that they can pick and choose what they agree with and pretty much do as they like. The common term is "Cafeteria Catholic" and this is very common with families of "cradle Catholics" who connect with the culture more than with the beliefs.


I must admit that I have, in my own spiritual journey, been in places of more and less faith... and have had periods of time where I believed and acted more... and less... in line with the Magisterium. I think that is also common. We are all at different places in our journey of faith.


(I don't think she's right, though, in claiming that there's "room" to believe whatever you like in Catholicism. If you don't believe what the religion professes, then why would you want to claim the religion as your own? :confused:)

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I usually stay out of most of these types of discussions on fb. The medium is just to difficult for a genuine conversation.


In general, though, I talk with Catholics who struggle with the Church's teachings by sharing how I've come to recognize the truth or beauty of the teaching in my own life. I may mention some church documents or specific teachings, but I try to have the discussion center around a personal witness. I feel this keeps the discussion from becoming "whose more Catholic." We aren't just firing encyclical quotes at each other, but really focusing on the truth of the teaching itself and how it can change your life.

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