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Quick - does anyone know the science experiment with ice water...


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and a bag and oil. We just taught our kids about polar bears, and I had a science experiment flagged, but can't find it. It was where you fill up a pot or bucket with ice, and then have a bag of oil, and the kid put there hand in the bag vs the ice water to see how polar animals can withstand the water.


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I don't have it... but I thought it was a bag of something like Crisco and they could put their hand in a bag inside the bag of Crisco (so you don't get gloopy hands) and the fat is to show the insulation the polar animals have. Contrast with hand just in bag in water.

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Thanks both of you! I thought I had it saved, but I couldn't find it. We are just starting our new science unit. DH started with a great book on polar bears, now they are watching a NG video, then we do some experiments. Thanks. I am excited to start this new unit, that we are making up as we go.:001_smile:

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