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When to dig in?

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Hi all,


My oldest is just 2 and I know that means I'm not really doing homeschool except for in play, but there's a homeschool convention about an hour and a half away in a few months and I'm wondering if it's too early to go sit in on the beginner classes, wander the curriculum fair, etc. I'm not asking if it's time to start with my ds, I know he's not ready for much, but it seems like a waste of time to sit around saying we're going to hs, but then not do anything to develop our understanding of how/why/when we're going to do it. Does that make sense at all? How early did y'all start collecting ideas and attending workshops? Also, is it totally unfair to ask my husband to take a holiday weekend to spend a large portion of time in the hotel with the kids while I'm in classes taking notes? I wonder if I should just try to buy the transcripts afterward and forget about the curriculum fair?



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Education wise, you don't need to go this year. I'm assuming you're talking about the Greenville, SC convention (I'll be at that one!). BUT I for one LOVE to peruse curriculum and listen to people talk about all facets of homeschooling so it's like a fun, vacation weekend for me. If you think you'd enjoy it, go ahead and go! And don't feel guilty about asking your dh to watch your little one. If you're going to homeschool, he needs to learn early on that you need time to plan, prepare, and take a break sometimes. =)


ETA: I just noticed you're in Chapel Hill, so I guess you're not talking about the SC convention after all :)

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I looked at that one--I'll go anywhere...a little obsessed...but I was specifically looking at the NCHE in Winston-Salem. So it's a little smaller, but not tiny. We did drop in on a VERY local one in Charlotte which was fun, but left us wanting more mainstream curricula in the fair.

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I think it is ok to start learning about homeschooling early but two important things. 1) DO NOT BUY ANYTHING!!! The biggest mistake I see people make when they start out is buying a lot of things that they do not need. For the earlier grades, you do not need much at all and can get most things used. 2) DO NOT FREAK OUT!!! There are so many means and modes of home education and when you first start out you sometimes you find yourself trying to do it all when you really need to do just that which works for you. So, as long as you go only to get some information and peruse the vendors, it will probably be fun; not necessary, but fun!

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Happily(?) we're starving students right now, so there's no risk of buying anything. But, for example, I've been on the mailing list for Memoria Press for a few issues and I LOVE reading the articles. Are we anywhere ready for latin? Heavens no, and I'd hit the local used hs stores long before ordering new, but just reading something from people supportive of classical education (not always hs, with them) is encouraging. So yes, it would mostly be for fun...I guess that's why I'd feel bad asking dh to stay with kids in the hotel during nap time--it's not like anything I learn will be immediately useful.

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That's 3 votes more or less in favor, so I'm gonna let my dh talk all the complicated school stuff he wants for a few days and then casually slip the convention agenda onto his desk. :lol: The challenge will be justifying the hotel, but they've got an awesome children's museum in the area, apparently, so maybe that'll sway him...he enjoys those places as much as our ds does!

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