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what are my options for this rising 10th grader struggling with algebra?

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my 2nd oldest (daughter) started K at 6, so she's already "old" for her grade. She has always struggled with math, and so we've taken 2 years to slowly go through Algebra...and she still doesn't get it.


My dh decided 2 weeks ago to put our kids (except for oldest dd who will be a senior) into public school next year. I have no idea how they were place her. I have a son entering high school and he's already breezed through Algebra 1, but wants to take it again so that he'll be guaranteed one "easy" course (most of their friends are public schooled and think it's WAY hard, so this has intimidated my kids, who are actually pretty bright).


I'm having major surgery in 4 weeks and will be out of it for a while (2-4 weeks) then we're on vacation for 2 weeks, then school starts.


So what are my options for this dd? Aleks for the summer at least when we're home and have computer access? (won't have it on vacation). Should I have her go through the whole Keys to Algebra series? what other options do I have? She really doesn't want to have to start high school over. She's done well in all her other classes.

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You might try Life of Fred Beg. alg with the home Companion. This iswhat is FINALLY clicking for my 9th grader. We have tried EVERYTHING. But LOF he is able to follow the home companion lessons (it has the whole text planned out with extra practice and problems) - he is doing it himself. And understanding.




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