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Talk to Me About Curricula That Work well for a 3rd and 2nd Grader Together


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We've done supplemental/afterschool work the past year, but are going to go back to full time homeschooling next year. I have two boys--one will be in third grade. He's an excellent reader and great at math. His big problem is that things have always been easy for him--so when things get tough, he doesn't want to put in any effort. Our other son will be in second grade. He is a good reader and good at math (although he doesn't think he is.) His problem is rushing through things making silly mistakes. I'll also be homeschooling our daughter who will be in kindy--but I'm not worried about that. I've done Kindy many times before--and our gentle approach has always worked very well. We'll have a toddler rambling around as well, who no doubt will love listening in on story time and coloring.


We've used Right Start math in previous years, but this year for supplemental work are using various Math Mammoth books as well as the math games from Right Start. We supplement also with literature from Ambleside and Sonlight, and Arabic.


For next year, I know the boys will have different math programs. I'm not sure if we'll move to Singapore (but use Math Mammoth as needed)--but we might stick with Saxon for my youngest as the spiral approach seems to work well for him.


I'm thinking about Shurley English, ideally using just one book for both, as grammar has been sorely neglected.


Need recommendations for the other items--history (SOTW?), science, language arts, etc. Iideally programs which can be used with both kids together, but if not possible...that's O.K. I thought about a Waldorf approach, but honestly, we're going to be in South Florida--and Waldorf tends to be way too seasonal to work well in that climate.


Also, any tips for scheduling three kids at a time would be appreciated.

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There are numerous unit studies and literature based studies that cover science and history that would work well for a 2nd and 3rd grader.


You already mentioned Sonlight and Ambleside. Winterpromise, FIAR volume 4 or Beyond FIAR, Moving Beyond the Page, An Old Fashioned Education, Living Books Curriculum etc.


Numerous science programs span ages and some of the above suggestions cover science as well as social studies and literature. Noeo for a real book route. Real Science for Kids is textbooky and spans several grades. There is also R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey, BFSU science, and a ton of others that will span several grades.


I feel like I am just giving you lists to research. Are there particular topics that you are wanting to cover in science and history?




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