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Pregnancy and Colds..

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Since Sunday I have had a bad cold.. I put a call into the doctor's office but who knows when they will call me back(sometimes it's not until about closing time at 5)..

I have no idea if I can take anything~I'm sure I can but I don't know what..

I am so stuffed up most of the time, other times my nose runs.. I am coughing, sneezing, watery eyes~UGH~It stinks..

Sometimes it's hard for me to breathe because my nose is so stuffed.

I have tried taking hot showers and so on to clear it up, it last about 3 minutes..


I'm 29 weeks..

Would you take something or wait for the office to call back?

I just want some relief :)

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Have you tried saline drops? You can buy these at drugstores or prepare a solution at home. Just dissolve 1/4 teaspoon salt in 8ounces of water. Place a few drops in each nostril, wait 5 to 10 minutes, and then gently blow your nose.


This might get you through until the doc calls back.



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