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Distance School for LD kids and...


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LOTS of handholding? PS is NOT an option nor is a VA. K12 is too much $$$. I would prefer a very good old fashioned paper and book route. I need this for my oldest (15). He is just happily spinning his wheels. Doesn't write, barely reads anymore, not doing much even when assigned. He seems to think he can coast along doing a simple grammar program and some math and come out all right. I have assigned him books to read and he rants and raves and refuses. I assign him papers to write. he rants and raves about it is too much for him. Dh has talked with him, ranted at him. He just sits there with this smirk on his face. He has convinced himself he has dyslexia (not true) and somehow he is 'special' so regular schooling does not apply to him. I am seriously worried about him and his lack of seeing 'gee, I need to start thinking about my future.' There is a HUGE maturity gap between him and his Church age mates. This worries me greatly. I read what your kids are doing and even middle school kids and he is so far below that even when I make my expectations clear. Any advice?

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I cannot tell from the website if Seton accepts non-Catholic families. Since I have not seen their materials, I am not sure either if they are useable by us. I am calling Monday to find out. I sure like the sound of their Special Services Dept, though. Thanks!


Any more ideas?

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I have heard that K12 can make accommodations for learning disabilities but that they require extra coursework (I think "how to learn" type classes) for this option. This is just what I was told by another mom, so I'm not sure about the accuracy of the information. Some states subsidize virtual schooling through K12, so that might be something for you to check out. Another suggestion, though, would be to have your son evaluated by an educational psychologist. Yes, it might be expensive if not covered by insurance, but it may well be worth it to give you some ideas on how to proceed in educating your son.

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Not sure if VA were not an option because of $$$$ or something else, but since you are in Texas and if your only reason is $$$$ have you checked out Connections Academy? It is free to those in Texas and they supply you with everything you need right down to the computer.


K12, Texas Virtual Academy, is also free to Texans and from what I hear everything is supplied to you also.

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Just wondering, will it matter which route you go if he won't cooperate? I've got a 15 year old and it's quite a challenging age. Some days I'm focusing more on character issues than academics. There's a definite lack of maturity at this age; they don't seem to see the relevance of planning for their future.


Another thought, does he have any learning issues? If you suspect he does, maybe you could have him tested. Sometime kids cover up that they aren't getting something by acting like they don't care.

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If he's not willing to do his school work, then maybe it would be a good idea for him to get a job - at least part time. Then it will be someone other than you requiring that work be done, and it may motivate him to take his studies more seriously, or it may help give him an idea of something he'd like to do. Then you could arrange for training at a technical school and he'd probably see how important the reading, English and math skills are. I'd also tie in how willingly he does his required school work with how many privileges he gets. A student who refuses to do their school work would not have access to media of any kind, would be grounded, and would be working on a long list of chores. IOW I'd make school seem like the much easier option. :D

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