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How many days (weeks, months, years?) has it been since you shaved your legs?

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I'm speechless with jealousy at people who are naturally hairless or don't *need* to shave. With light skin and coarse dark hair that grows faster than bamboo, I had few options, none of them pleasant. Ingrown hairs were a fact of life. I had to plan for a week in order to wear shorts in the summer, in order to time the ingrown hair outgrowth, stubble length long enough to shave, time for skin to recover from the nasty damage done by the razor.




Then my DH decided he needed to fly to San Francisco to have training in a newfangled biofeedback machine. Making me miss my 20th high school reunion. :glare:


I was able to negotiate laser hair removal on my legs. Extremely painful, but not as much as 30 years of shaving. I should have done it long before, but then, the lasers wouldn't have been as effective, I suppose.


Before someone asks: I went to 'Sona' in the western suburbs of St. Louis. They know what they're doing. Prices change constantly, so I can't tell you what they charge these days. Big cities have better technology and better prices.

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