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Spectrum chemistry-purchasing the equipment?

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I have the micro chem kit and I purchased the kit to go with apologia chemistry and then added the supplies ( from home training tools) to complete what we would need for BJU chemistry. So, I have a ton of chemistry supplies LOL. I am thinking of using Spectrum rather than BJU, would I need to purchase the science kit from Spectrum or would I have enough with what I already have?



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I would print off the list on the Spectrum site and compare to what you have.


YOu most likely have it- We received our spectrum kit and it seems to have just the usual chemistry stuff - a lot of which we did not own - but if you have a kit you may have most of it. You might not have all the chemicals but I would think you MAY be able to get them from home science tools.



The spectrum kit BTW inclused EVERYTHING down to paper towels, pencils, batteries, sharpies etc. There are electrodes and LCD lights (I bet radio shack would have them if you do not). It appears to be a very good kit / book - having everything together in one place - I bet this is a curriculum that acctually gets done !




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Rainbow's website lists specifically what is needed for the course. Probably the biggest issue is the chemicals. Rainbow supplies them in the amounts needed...little or no measuring is needed. If you don't have the specific amounts, you're not going to be able to easily duplicate the labs unless you have a very good scale.

If you're not going to do the labs from the Spectrum course, you're missing a lot and the course is probably not worth it. I've heard of people doing the micro chem labs in addition to the Spectrum labs, but not in place of them.

I believe they'll sell you just what you need if you call them. You probably won't have to buy the whole kit.

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Try this link http://beginningspublishing.com/ChemSupply.htm


Another option that might save you hassle and money is to just buy the "renewable" supplies kit (including pre-measured chemicals) from Beginnings Publishing and use your own "durable" supplies--beakers and syringes and stuff that you already have. Having done The Spectrum this year with my ds, one of the huge benefits of this program is that the kit is all there and ready to go. If I had to go through each lab and figure out what we need and where to get it it would have cost me a great deal of time and frustration and I'm sure we wouldn't have done all the labs.

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