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Is it ok to buy curriculum and then have your kids write in a seperate notebook??


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As the title suggests, I am unsure (most likely unnecessarily) whether it is ok to have DD write in a seperate notebook for the curriculum I have chosen for her, and then have DS do the same when he uses it??

I will need to resell some of the curriculum to help buy the next levels and I am thinking that the better condition the books are in, the better chance I have of a decent sell price/actually selling??


Thoughts please fellow hivers :lurk5:

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I think that's legal. Making copies of the book and then selling the book after using your copies would be illegal, AFAIK.




I think it's legal, too. I have my kids do their Building Thinking Skills orally, and I reuse the books. They cost too much money to buy one for each kid imo.

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