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Saxon 8/7 question -- 2nd edition


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I foolishly bought the 2nd edition of this program, thinking I was getting the 3rd edition. Just didn't ask enough questions.


anyway, I don't know enough about the changes in the programs to know whether I should just use it anyway, or try to recoup some of my money and buy the current edition.


My dd is not strong in math, and will be in the 7th grade. I don't really plan on using Saxon for upper maths. I hope to go to Lial's for that. However, if she continues to thrive in Saxon, I'm not opposed to using it.


She used Saxon 6/5 in 5th grade, then went to TT 6. She didn't like TT and asked to go back to Saxon this year, so I was going to put her in 8/7.


Now, I've got the old edition. bother! I guess my options are:


1) Just use what I have for 7th grade. Then what for 8th? Algebra 1/2 (current edition)? Lial's BCM?


2) Try to sell this 2nd edition, and purchase the 3rd edition of 8/7


3) Switch on over to Lial's BCM.


I don't see her majoring in math or science in college, so I don't think she would really need to have Algebra I before 9th grade.


Any advice??

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I've heard that in the hardback Saxon 8/7 prealgebra is not covered. It was used for students who struggled with 7/6 and needed an extra year before moving on to Alg. 1/2 The newer paperback 8/7 ones are equivalent to the hardback Algebra 1/2.


Having said that, I do own a copy of Lial's BCM and really like the layout and how much it covers.

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I've heard that in the hardback Saxon 8/7 prealgebra is not covered. It was used for students who struggled with 7/6 and needed an extra year before moving on to Alg. 1/2 The newer paperback 8/7 ones are equivalent to the hardback Algebra 1/2.


Having said that, I do own a copy of Lial's BCM and really like the layout and how much it covers.


I wonder what is considered pre-algebra? This book does cover negative numbers, and finding x in some simple equations. Maybe I can find a scope & sequence of the new 8/7 to compare with the one I have to see what was added for prealgebra.


And the thing is, my dd is not particularly good in math. If this text was used to give an extra year before moving on to prealgebra, maybe this would be a good fit for her.


thanks for the input, ladies!

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about 12/13 years ago, I think. So I'm guessing it would have been the older hardback edition (???). I was not a big math person, but did OK with it. I found 8/7 to be challenging, but then breezed through Saxon's 1/2 Algebra in fairly quick time (perhaps because I'd gone through 8/7?). It was my understanding (at least with older editions) that 1/2 Algebra was pre-algebra, then you would move on to Algebra 1. I found that 8/7 was great preparation (for me) for 1/2 Algebra. I don't remember if 8/7 specifically introduced algebra or not, but I do know that it intoduced plenty of new concepts to help me prepare for the later courses. I think going through 8/7 is a great idea and would give your dd a lot to prepare/practice for the later courses--even if it is an older edition--LOTS of us used the older editions. Then she could probably move on with Saxon quite smoothly.

Just my opinion; hth.

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Thanks, Amie. I am thinking this is the way I ought to go. I'm not in any huge hurry to get her into algebra, anyway. She can do the 8/7 in 7th grade, do the 1/2 in 8th, and Algebra in 9th. I don't think this approach will hinder her college plans.


thanks for your input!

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