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Appropriate age to read The Help

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I read it last year and saw the movie last night. I can't remember now if the book has anything more explicit or more foul language than the movie. I'm hoping to hear from someone who has read it more recently. I'm not specifically concerned about subject matter. What do you think is an appropriate age to read it?



Edited by Nakia
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I would go with 15yo, but that's just me.


I don't remember much language and no graphic s**, but there is the miscarriages and the nude wierdo. Plus the whole story is better understood by someone with a little maturity, IMO. It is very much a world of adults.


I agree with the above. My dd and I watched the movie together, and I told her she needs to read the book as well (nearly always better than the movie, IMHO). However, while I'm fine with her reading it, I'm not sure how much even she will get out of it, at 15. There's just not a lot of life experience at 15 that allows one to fully relate to some of the things in the book.

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