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Free Biblical / Math Twelve Tribes Dice Game


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Since it's so tough to find Biblically-based math resources, I thought I'd share this free activity I put together to go along with our weekly Torah reading.

It comes with a printable dodecahedron which you roll to get the name of one of the twelve tribes.


The game is very simple: if you correctly name the mother of that tribe (Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, Zilpah), you get points: 3 for Rachel, 2 for Bilhah/Zilpah, 1 for Leah. First player to reach 12 wins. Game board and answer charts included in English, Hebrew and transliterated Hebrew.


You get to practice geometry (cutting/building the dodecahedron), arithmetic (tallying scores) and Bible facts, all in one easy game.


More details & download info here:




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:blushing: Thanks!


Sadly, there is a tremendous need. My older kids went to Jewish schools, and I saw the extent of the secular resources they used. There really is nothing else out there that mixes Torah with math, say, or English composition, or copywork, or... anything. :-(((

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