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What after Lial's Basic College Math?


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I am using Singapore 5 and Lial's BCM right now. I need suggestions for what next! I was starting to consider Saxon, but I'm really nervous to buy it without being able to see the books. I like the way Lial's BCM is laid out fine and looked on amazon to see what other books come next. There are so many editions and different titles I don't know what I'm looking at. If you used BCM, what did you use next?

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I am using Singapore 5 and Lial's BCM right now. I need suggestions for what next! I was starting to consider Saxon, but I'm really nervous to buy it without being able to see the books. I like the way Lial's BCM is laid out fine and looked on amazon to see what other books come next. There are so many editions and different titles I don't know what I'm looking at. If you used BCM, what did you use next?

My kids are not mathy, so we will continued with Lial's prealgebra, then beginning algebra, etc... She doesn't have geometry (waaa!) in this series, but I will worry about that later. She does partner with a different author to write one but I am not sure it is as good. Most people use Jacobs Geometry...or so it seems.


If your child is more mathy I know a lot of people skip the prealgebra and go straight into Lial's Algebra, because there is so much overlap.



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