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Online Academies--VP, MP, who else?


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Does anyone use any of the Classical Education online academies? I know Veritas Press has one, Memoria Press has one... I think there are others, but I can't think of them. My 10 year old daughter is having ISSUES again. We're wondering if maybe something like that would help her. She'd be off on the history rotation though, and she's definitely behind her age group in math. Grammar, I don't even know. VP has a placement exam, right? Does MP? Can anyone tell me if you used it, did you love it? Hate it? Why? Feel free to PM me.


To give you an idea of what she's doing now:


Rod and Staff English 3 with plans to move into The Latin Road Level 1. She does very well with R&S.



Saxon 54, and she's bad at it. We finished the Beta level of MUS, and already had Saxon, so moved into that. We're getting Gamma in MUS soon, just because she has this thing about memorizing. She won't do it if I say so, but if Steve Demme tells her to memorize through a blasted DVD, she's all about it. :banghead:


Classical Composition. I'm not sure about this one. We've had it for a while, but it's hard to get into the habit of using it. We're on the second fable. :blush: My fault, not hers.


Logic Countdown.


Was using Getting Started with Latin, but she hated it, and wasn't doing that hot, and we're about to start TLR, so I just had her put it away.


Scripture copywork.


We were doing TOG Y1, but we need to buy Unit 4 to finish up Y1, and we're waiting on that. And she finished Apologia's Botany, and we're waiting on Flying Creatures. We wait on a lot this time of year and tend to go down to the basics. :tongue_smilie:


Also, this is my attitude diva. She thinks she's a lot bigger than she is, and she and I are butting heads a LOT lately. DH thinks that she might do better in an online school, or with something like Switched on Schoolhouse, rather than have me as her primary teacher. I'd rather do a classical school, like VP or MP, than SoS, though, I think.


What says The Hive?

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as a family...rather than purchase a subscription for each family member..


Does it keep score is that why it has to be a subscription for each family member?



In regards to your 10yrs old....you can give it a try . No harm except for expense. You learn more about her and where she is at right now. Don;t assume that would be the answer completely. She still needs to accept teaching from you as you are signing her up with the online program.

I will start with short increments of teaching with her and praising her immediately when she accepts any kind of teaching from you and ignore the bad attitude.

I am learning so much from my sons ABA and actually applying the concepts everywhere including husband. AND it WORKS!

Edited by happycc
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