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40ish Female stuff (physical)

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This is graphic, just to warn the squeamish.


I've been meaning to post this for awhile, but it is weighing on me more as the 1 year date of my miscarriage approaches on June 7th.


Now that I am 40, the funky stuff is beginning to happen (perimenopausel issues). What I mean is that my periods are a little different than I remember them to be. .


I used to get pregnant immediately after having a period before the birth of my last baby (now 3 years old), but since my miscarriage, I have fended off getting pregnant. Now I have had a year of periods (the most I've had since before our 14 year old twins were born!). Each period lasts about 5 days, then stops for 3. It seems that the period is normal and then after it ceases for a few days, I get clotty bleeding that lasts for a few days.


OBGYN says that it could result from a clot that blocks the cervix and then the clot dissolves and the remaining uterine contents is released. But with each period, it has been like clockwork! He thinks I should just go for it and get pregnant.


I am concerned that my body may not be able to carry a baby to term again, and I do not want to go through another miscarriage. It is still a struggle for me to bring my hemoglobin back to normal. It's just a tad bit lower than normal (11).


I am also having painful ovulation that radiates into the lower back. It puts me off my feet for a good day or two. I have charted this all so the symptoms seem to repeat themselves from month-to-month. It is also my thought that my uterus has just dropped a lot from having lots of babies and being on my feet most of the day. I know that this can cause the pain I described.


I do not have a prolapse according to the doctor. He says I am in good shape. I do have a slight rectocele, but this is common (according to doc) to most women who have had even one child.


Has anyone had this sort of thing (or similar) happen? What types of perimenopausel symptoms did or do you have? I am especially interested in those who have had lots of babies and what you've experienced.


Blessings, and thank you for listening to such descriptions of my physical health! LOL.



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I was in to see the gyn on Monday because my periods have been all out of wack and she recommended progesterone for 3 cycles to get thngs back on track. I am to use it on days 16-26 each month and she said after a few cycles things should go back to normal. I asked her about pregnancy and she said the progestrone shouldn't affect the chances at all or hurt the baby if I were to concieve. I am 39.5 so I, too, wondered if it was menopause but she didn't think it was related at this time.

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