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Dh had me weeding out resumes for him..

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Dh has had me weeding out resumes for him.He gets a few hundred a week and to save him time, i go through and pull the ones that would work with the positions he is hiring for.


I noticed some interesting things on a few...


Email addresses....if your email address is HottBabe69@ wherever, or SexyBeast @ wherever, or FishinForHotties @ wherever, or WildVixen @ wherever...you might want to not put it on your resume...you know..get a new one ASmith @ wherever. Because chances are, someone might laugh and pass you over....or look you up on myspace :blush: yeah...morbid curiousity runs a bit high over here....


Also...listing telekinesis as a skill currently used is a little odd...especially when you arent looking for a job that uses that....also putting that you are ready to work with other humans...that is a little odd...BUT it might just be odd enough for us to call you for interest sake...unless we think you are a psychopath


I really enjoy the wordy ones..ok, I got it, you typed in orders...please spare the 10 detailed paragraphs


Then there are the ones from sahm's who havent worked in 20 yrs and have little job experience....those are the ones that cause me to run and get a glass of wine...they just make me sad because that would be my resume. :scared: :cheers2:


The ones that always pass by me...the gatekeeper (heehee) are ones that are bold and talk about how they want to improve themselves, or prove that they can tackle a challenge...


Hey...I need as much amusement as possible on some days. :001_huh:

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Then there are the ones from sahm's who havent worked in 20 yrs and have little job experience....those are the ones that cause me to run and get a glass of wine...they just make me sad because that would be my resume. :scared: :cheers2:




I just finished mine. I'm applying to be a substitute teacher after being a sahm for 15 years. It was a challenge to say the least. I did do mystery shopping for awhile. It was very, very part time, but it does count as work experience. I didn't really want to list "mystery shopper" so I came up with this, maybe you'll get a kick out of it:


Market Researcher

Provide market research as an independent contractor for different companies. Duties include data collection; going on-site to retail establshments to ensure they are following corporate protocol and assessing quality control.

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Email addresses....if your email address is HottBabe69@ wherever, or SexyBeast @ wherever, or FishinForHotties @ wherever, or WildVixen @ wherever...you might want to not put it on your resume...you know..get a new one ASmith @ wherever. Because chances are, someone might laugh and pass you over....or look you up on myspace :blush: yeah...morbid curiousity runs a bit high over here....


Dh is pres. of the congregation at our church. He decided against phoning lovemonkey@... for an interview for the secretary's position.

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