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My dd has a Chemistry question... (help please!)

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My daughter has a chemistry question: "How many different types of suborbitals (spdf) are in ea. different principle energy level in ea. atom (ex., how many S's, P's, etc. are in ea. ring)?" The intehnets are full of too much info, though we're still searching, and her teacher gave her an assignment to build a model of a chromium atom including this info, but it's not in her book or notes. Thanks in advance!

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This is Dd, thank you for the link. I was specifically looking for something that showed/ told me exactly how many of each different type of suborbital (S,p,d,f) is in each of the different principle energy levels. I need to be able to put the different types of electrons in the right rings for my model and so far I just know the numbers in each atom, not in each individual ring.

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