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Question for the Grammar Gurus

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After finishing FLL 4 I had planned to do MCT and AG and then spend the lion's share of our time on grammar in the dc's writing, not on a formal program. Now that I've seen the sections on verb tense and usage in ALL, I'm thinking I want to add those components to our future grammar studies.


Since ALL won't be available, my next thought was to get Rod and Staff just to fill in those "gaps" in AG/MCT. Would that work? Would I still need the TM and Student Book if I planned to do mostly oral work in just those areas? I think I want something that teaches those elements to the student and provides some practice, but I don't want to buy a lot when I only plan to use a little of it.


Other ideas?

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Do you want the student to have their own copy? How confident are you in your own knowledge of grammar?


The R&S TM contains the exact layout of the student text, but it has teaching suggestions and answers in the margins. If your student doesn't need to be reading along with you (or if you can cover up the margins while you read) the TM would be enough. If you are very confident in your grammar knowledge, you could get by with the student book--you just won't have the answer key. If you do decide to get just the student text, you might want to have the R&S English Handbook on your shelf for reference (it's pretty inexpensive).


ETA: We are just finishing up chapter 3 in R&S 5 and we are getting into concepts that I haven't seen after 2 years of MCT. I'm impressed with how thorough it is.

Edited by bonniebeth4
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Thanks for the response. I think just the TMs will work for what I want. I looked through the table of contents for books 5 & 6, and R&S is certainly thorough!


Did you use anything besides MCT before R&S 5? I looked at the TOC for Book 4; I don't think it'll be necessary after finishing FLL 4, but it's always nice to hear from others who went that route.

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Thanks for the response. I think just the TMs will work for what I want. I looked through the table of contents for books 5 & 6, and R&S is certainly thorough!


Did you use anything besides MCT before R&S 5? I looked at the TOC for Book 4; I don't think it'll be necessary after finishing FLL 4, but it's always nice to hear from others who went that route.


We briefly tried FLL 1/2 when dd was near the end of 2nd grade, but it was waaay too easy for her. Then we spent a few months doing GWG 3. I discovered MCT halfway through her 3rd grade year and started using the Island level. It was great for instilling a love of language in my already verbally-oriented dd. Partway through the Town level, I realized that the writing instruction wasn't working for her, so I used some other things to get her up to speed on writing while she continued MCT practice sentences.


So that was a really long way of saying that we hadn't done much traditional grammar before R&S 5, and she is doing just fine. Most of what we are doing so far has been review--R&S has a very logical sequence and makes sure that the basics are covered before getting into new material. I think I read somewhere that you wouldn't want to start with anything above level 5 (or maybe 6), but I don't see any need to go back to R&S 4, especially if you already have experience with something like FLL.

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