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Can this be done?

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I would love to be at home schooling my kids, but that just won't happen. So, I have been trying to after school a little, but it happens mostly in spurts. I am trying to get better, though, and hope that when the kids and I move out of my mom's house into our own place later this month I will have more luck.


Anyway, my oldest is almost 8 and is actually in my 2nd grade class. I teach at a large Catholic school. He is strong academically, but doesn't like to practice things he already knows. He is hi functioning autistic, picked up reading at age 4 virtually on his own and overnight, and could spend all day reading if I let him. His other academics are age appropriate, only reading is extreme. School is difficult because he doesn't like noise (except the noise he makes), or when people look at him.


I wonder if I should or even could take him out of school completely. My mom only works two days a week and my sister is usually off one of those days. So, I would only have to find someone to watch him once a week. He catches on pretty quickly, I thought I could spend 2 hours or so teaching him at night and he practices and such the next day. Could this work? Has anyone tried?


I could keep him with me this year, but the teachers following me do not have the kind of flexibility needed to work with kids like him. I've seen it happen with other kids when they finish with me...


Ay ideas?

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