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I would pack your bag with things that you would use at home if you were in labor, the same clothing, etc. Then double or triple it. Bring extra chargers fot cell phones etc. Work out who will be watching your children, see if you can have extra food or snacks around so you don't have to grocery shop immediately after having the baby. (i seem to forget this...and ended up at the grocery store on the way home from the hospital...I'm an idiot you probably aren't! :D)


I had two wonderful hospital births, seriously fantastic. I would keep an open mind about potential experiences and the hospital staff. You may meet some wonderful people and maybe even have a great experience! Really, it's possible!


Put DH in charge or insurance and paperwork if you can, have him talk to the hospital, and find a dr if possible. (dude, use the pregnancy card and put in on his agenda if he is at all competent!)


I probably would make a file with information I may need: a written out plan of how you would like the birth to go, any requests or requirements that you have for yourself or the new baby including procedures for after the baby arrives, simple things like eye goop? breastfeeding? how to handle the cord? bigger things like what if there is an emergency? who should they contact? etc etc etc then have a copy (even if written by you) of your medical history, copy of your current information and dh information i.e. license, ss # etc.) and make a file so that if you go into labor and need to have information quickly it's ready.


Is there a doula who has been to this hospital you could talk to? Could you have a check-up with someone from one of the hospital midwives?


Then install the carseat, take a deep breath and remind your husband to keep calling. (or maybe that part is me too, I tend to be a bit of a worrier! ;D)

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