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Tell me everything you know about Soy Lecithin Granules.....

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my dh has high cholesterol and the drugs haven't worked too well, eating healthy and exercise haven't reduced it like we would like. Now a friend has mentioned that he takes Soy Lecithin and it reduced his cholesterol number by 100 points.


Tell me what you know!



Edited by ChocolatePrincess
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I used to take Soy Lecithin Granules for years and years. My parents also. I strongly believe that it helps in reducing cholesterol, based on all that I have read. Mind you, I never had a problem with cholesterol, but my numbers did go down. My mom, however, did have a cholesterol problem. Hers went down mainly as a result of soy lecithin and reducing sugar. Sugar is a big problem when it comes to cholesterol. We both stopped taking soy lecithin once we realized that soy products can greatly raise the risk of bre@st cancer. There are many other supplements and dietary changes, etc. that can probably reduce cholesterol just as effectively and more safely than soy. If I were to take it, I would only recommend non-GMO and a very good organic-type brand. Many believe that cholesterol in and of itself is not the end-all and be-all of cardiovascular health. I agree. Cholesterol is often overrated. This has been talked about a lot here and you can probably google something like "myths of high cholesterol" or whatever.

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