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Is anyone familiar with Masterpiece Art Academy or Phonics of Drawing?


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Here is the link. I'm looking for something more formal than just doing art projects. I want something that will start at the beginning with drawing instruction. I need something open and go and pretty much independent. This would be part of her regular schedule so I would need it to be able to be done at the very least 2-3 days a week.


Dd12 is quite a good artist already but she isn't familiar with all of the terminology and lacks some knowledge in texturing, shading, perspective, etc. She does projects all the time but she is self taught so her projects are limited. She wants to start producing projects that look more "adult", as she put it.


On a side note: I can't believe how expensive local classes are! One place was $260 for a 10 week course (10 lessons) and another place specifically for children was $100 per month (4 lessons per month). The latter isn't that bad but when you are paying for activities for 4 dc is gets a bit ridiculous. Less expensive classes at the local art center were more reasonable but they are all centered around doing a specific art project...not what I'm looking for right now.

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