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Trisms for HighSchool

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We will finish some of our curriculum term 3, so will be ready to start new curriculum in October (our term 4). I am considering using Trisms for my dc.


How does this look?



Maths---continue MUS Algebra 1 & begin Geometry

Science---finish Apologia Biology (begin either Marine Biology or Chemistry in Feb.)

Latin---continue SYRWTL Latin 1

History/ Lit./ English/ etc.---Trisms EOC (500BC-1500AD)



Maths---continue MUS Zeta

Science---finish Apologia General Science (begin Physical Science in Feb.)

Latin---continue latin Prep 1

History / Lit./ English/ etc.---Trisms HM or DAW


My 10yos could possibly use HM, but over 2 years. I'm not too worried about keeping my dc on the same page History-wise as we've gone through the history cycle once already using SOTW & I am finding it freeing not to have family subjects as each dc can work at their own pace, not having to wait or rush to have me teach the altogether subjects. And my dd's days away at polytech courses don't throw everyone off schedule.


Am I forgetting anything major?



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Where are your fine arts? How about phys ed?


I always forget to put in arts instruction because my kid plays an instrument. Every so often I kind of wing a book of sculpture at him... :)


He does do organized sport, though...




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and all 3 dc play instruments (16yod-Flute in band, PennyWhistle, & guitar; 14yos-drums in Pipe Band; 10yos-violin). PE is more than covered in the sports they play as well as daily life. Both boys are competitive gymnasts, my 10yos also plays soccer April-August, all 3 dc sail, all 3 dc have paper runs, my 10yos takes weekly swim lessons, scouts / young mariners / venturers have them canoeing, hiking, rowing, rockwall climbing, swimming, sailing, etc. throughout the year.



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Looks good--my 14 yos will be playing competitive hockey as well as following a similar schedule to yours--he's also got modern language (German) and viola--I'm thinking of basically 45-minute blocks of time for him for each subject--if he finishes math (VT Algebra--continuing), he'll have some more free time...


So Trisms for us is both history and language arts (with IEW), and takes from 1 1/2 to 2 hours/day. He also reads independently (and will continue to do so).

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We will finish some of our curriculum term 3, so will be ready to start new curriculum in October (our term 4). I am considering using Trisms for my dc.


How does this look?



Maths---continue MUS Algebra 1 & begin Geometry

Science---finish Apologia Biology (begin either Marine Biology or Chemistry in Feb.)

Latin---continue SYRWTL Latin 1

History/ Lit./ English/ etc.---Trisms EOC (500BC-1500AD)



Maths---continue MUS Zeta

Science---finish Apologia General Science (begin Physical Science in Feb.)

Latin---continue latin Prep 1

History / Lit./ English/ etc.---Trisms HM or DAW


My 10yos could possibly use HM, but over 2 years. I'm not too worried about keeping my dc on the same page History-wise as we've gone through the history cycle once already using SOTW & I am finding it freeing not to have family subjects as each dc can work at their own pace, not having to wait or rush to have me teach the altogether subjects. And my dd's days away at polytech courses don't throw everyone off schedule.


Am I forgetting anything major?




Looks almost like my 16yo's schedule, very good.

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Would you suggest HM or DAW for my 14yos? His writing skills need a lot of help & I'm hoping that IEW will give him the structure that he needs. A the moment we are working on spelling & penmanship, with the aim to focus on composition terms 3 & 4. DS#1 is very interested in warriors & weapons, etc. & LOVES history.



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