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Between PR levels


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Okay so has anyone else run into this problem? We covered PR1 last year and stopped right after base words, because I felt ds wasn't ready for the suffix coverage. We picked the last few weeks up at the start of this year, reviewed the rest of PR1 etc and it went well. I got our PR2 in the mail last week and it's so thorough that I can see why it takes some families 1-2yrs to complete. And that's starting at second grade. My ds is 6.5, and just by looking at the scope of things, there's no way he's going to be ready for all that's covered. I honestly think we'd only cover about half of the grammar. The problem is he's be okay with both the new spelling rules and words, as well as the Little House Study-he can read that level already.

So can I just not do the second half of the grammar, but still do everything else? I feel like as a home schooler I can do that, but I don't know if it messes up PR2.

Then I thought to maybe find some second grade workbook to do along with PR2 to supplement since we'd not be doing the advanced grammar, but when we look at them, he knows the material in those books like Brainquest and Flashkids etc. The third grade books seem split-half cover verbs and nouns, pretty basic stuff, but also have linking verbs, pronouns etc, which is what we would be waiting on in the PR2. So I feel like we are stuck some place in the middle and not sure what to do. I suppose we could have skipped PR1 last year, and for those who are wondering, it's because ds wanted to learn to read and I went with what we consider an outstanding program. Do I get one of those workbooks and have him do it anyway for busy work? Or do I just go with PR2 at our own pace for the grammar and see where we end up by the summer? It's just so much. I don't remember covering half of that stuff until 3rd/4th grade at least.

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I recently started level two with my almost-7-yo dd. It will probably take us a year and a half to work through level two. I'm fine with that. Level 3 picks up rather steeply, so it's better for 8yo+ IMO. I've got a 9yo doing level 3 and it's a good fit for her skill level.


With dd6 I'm moving slowly. You could split one day over 3. Day 1: Phonics. Day 2: Little House. Day 3: Grammar. Some people do all of Little House before doing the grammar sections. You could do Little House as written now and the phonics/spelling portions now. Then next year you could do all of the grammar sections for the level before starting level 3. You do need to finish all of level 2 before starting level 3.


I wouldn't add busywork. Just spread out PR as needed. :)

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Hmm, that's what I'm trying to figure out-dragging out the grammar section. If I ignore the grammar, honestly, I feel like we aren't doing much.

Ds is used to doing phonics daily, so that's no problem for him, as well as we do reading comprehension daily through science/history, and now will add Little House. He reads a worksheet and answers the questions, so it's not overload. Or, he ends up reading a book on his own and telling me all about it, or the boys play act the book out. I'm going to check our state standards to see what they are supposed to cover for first grade grammar. I'm pretty sure when I looked at it we covered it though. That's why I feel like we are stuck in the middle.

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I chose PR for similar reasons. My dd will also be in at least a gap year before I attempt PR2 because of how it ramps up. I've been mulling over how to handle this gap the last few weeks. I'm going to review PR1 with her and mostly turn her loose reading books. She's similar enough to me that I think once she takes off in reading she's going to fly. I remember when I was finally able to check out books from our classroom library, I was so happy and in heaven. All I wanted to do was read, read, read and forget about doing any other schoolwork.


I'm also looking at FLL and other programs to see what they do to get some ideas for verbal activities, playing with words and light grammar, mostly for introduction. I will see how it goes and adjust as needed. She is easily doing PR1, I just don't want her to "forget" stuff during that year, so I'm going to make sure she has mastery of what was covered. Oh, I'll also continue to oral/dictated sentences with her as well since she enjoys that as well.


The suggestion from Veritaserum is what I've considered doing once we get to PR2 if I think I need to hold back a bit on grammar. If you wait on the grammar, and do the Little House study and the new spelling words, that should get you to summer and you can see how you think you're son would do at that time with the grammar portion. You could then do grammar and lots of reading the next year with periodic review of spelling/rules. This would give your son another year before he reaches PR3! Either suggestion is good, I think it depends on if you want to include grammar now, or wait a bit.


Good luck figuring out you way!

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Did you look at PR2 yet? The first 4 weeks is all PR1 review :) I am very happy ds likes to read. He reads a lot. I quiz him on the spellings, and he will come to me on a word he gets stuck on. So at least I know he's paying attention to the letters.

One problem I see with those workbooks, is they all have easy grammar in them, so I'm comfortable doing the easier grammar of PR2. I just may have to readjust some of the order of things.


Our youngest wants to learn his letters so he can read and I'm banging my head on the wall. I broke out Phonics Pathways and am going to go as slow as possible, but he's an impatient kind. There's no way I'm starting PR1 with him this year, except for the letter sounds. Now, if he starts reading his brothers books later on, I'll have to reassess :)


I have to say. The more kids I meet who can read like crazy, but can't spell, the more I am thankful to have found this program. A few of my friends are stuck on teaching spelling now, and the kids are frustrated.

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No, I most likely won't buy PR2 until next year so I can review it before we get to it. I do have the Scope and Sequence for all the levels, the samples and what Tina has covered in her blog. So, I see how it ramps up. So, I'm just adjusting as we go. I may not need to review as much of PR1 as I'm thinking of doing since we circle back and do a lot of review when we have light weeks that hit due to illness, visiting relatives etc. Along with the fact, dd loves PR and she's taken to the markings and figuring our words like a fish to water.


I think adjusting the order of the grammar sheet is a good way to go if needed. He may surprise you and grasp more than you think if you slow it down for him too.


Oh, I hear you on the youngers wanting to learn this. My 3 year old insists on doing "school" by reviewing the first 26 phonograms! Luckily, he's not ready to learn this program yet. I have a couple of years to wait on that one. You can also check out Webster's Speller and work on blending skills with your younger son. That is what I did with dd before moving her to PR1. You can get them at Elizabeth's website: http://www.thephonicspage.org/On%20Reading/webstersway.html. There is also Don Potter's website at http://www.donpotter.net and I think Blend Phonics is another good one similar to Phonics Pathways.

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