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Writing Strands v. WWE


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If you've seen and/or used both, how do they compare? What do you like or dislike about Writing Strands?


We are using WWE 1 and the first half of WWE 2 this year for 1st grade. We may use the second half of WWE 2 next year for 2nd grade, along with ______________? So far it seems a bit too incremental and uncreative for this particular student, so I'd like to get an idea of how WS works.



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We've used Writing Strands and are now dabbling with WWS. Not what you asked, but...


Writing Strands is more for the creative student. It didn't work for us because at the time my son was having trouble coming up with the topic AND working through the mechanics at the same time. He did like that it was roughly a week on, week off of writing. They work on a single task, be it learning how to write a paragraph or how to write persuasively, and then take a week to read other writings focusing on the same task. It is a very gentle curriculum but expects a lot at the same time.

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We've used Writing Strands and are now dabbling with WWS. Not what you asked, but...


Writing Strands is more for the creative student. It didn't work for us because at the time my son was having trouble coming up with the topic AND working through the mechanics at the same time. He did like that it was roughly a week on, week off of writing. They work on a single task, be it learning how to write a paragraph or how to write persuasively, and then take a week to read other writings focusing on the same task. It is a very gentle curriculum but expects a lot at the same time.


This sounds perfect for my oldest for 2nd next school year. Thanks!



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I would describe WWE as expository writing and Writing Strands as creative.


I'm doing both with my son this year and he is doing well. I was concerned it might be too much, but I knew he was ready for more. I have him using WWE in combination with history and the week on week off (appox.) of writing strands keeps it feeling balanced.

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