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Has anyone ordered from Lamp Post Homeschool Store?

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I'm about to place an order and wanted to make sure they were legit.


Otherwise, where have people ordered spenserian penmanship?





In PA? I have several times. I was very happy with their service. I had a mistake (my mistake)and they corrected it with no problems. I would highly recommend them!

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I placed an order on Tues, May 27th for a Jacobs' Geometry bundle. I did receive a 'thank you for your order' email, but I never got a shipping confirmation email. I just checked, and the hold placed on my bank acct. has expired, and never went through.


I canceled my order just now. I just don't do business that way. An order placed on a Tuesday should go out that week. Their website says, "Most orders go out within 2-5 business days", but that would be 5, if they waited until Monday (it was placed early Tuesday). I know that's nitpicky of me, but I just won't order from a company that is slow in their order processing and shipping, for whatever reason.


Too bad CBD doesn't carry it. I am leery of ordering from RR, as I've read post after post on here of slow shipping times, bent books, etc. I might have to try them, though, if I can't find it used. I've never had a problem when ordering books used (so far, knock wood). Most people are very conscientious about shipping things out immediately.

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I don't know anything about Lampost. But I have ordered from

Homeschoolingbooks.com and I have been very happy. Their prices are about the same as Rainbow Resource, but at least when I have ordered from them they have been very quick. I ordered my dd Apologia Marine Biology Friday and it was shipped out the same day. I chose standard shipping which was UPS and I'm supposed to get on on June 3rd. I noticed that they do have spencerian penmanship. Hope that helps.



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