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Geometry for next year

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I am trying to decide on a geometry program for dd next year. She did great with Math Relief Algebra I and II. My son used Chalkdust geometry, but I don't think this is the right program for dd. I was looking at Teaching Textbooks or MUS. I like the looks of teaching textbooks, but the price of MUS is appealing. Is MUS geometry ok for college prep?





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My dd used MUS Geometry and my ds used TT Geometry. We switched for my ds because we thought the explanations might be a little clearer. Now that we've finished I would use MUS. The explanations are as good as TT but there seems to be more content covered. MUS is light on proofs so if you're looking for those than I would go with TT. MUS proofs don't come until lesson 20 or later and TT starts with them at the very beginning of the program and they do at least 2 every lesson. As for the Alg review I found that MUS had as much Alg review as did TT. So if you're considering money I'd go with MUS. You do not need any of the manipulatives you just need the books. As far as college is concerned my dd took the SAT last year and did just fine. Her score wasn't stellar but it was enough to get her in the college of her choice.

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