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Wacky Wednesday Huge Success


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Thanks to all who helped out with ideas for my Wacky Wednesday can. I put each and every suggestion into the can. DD9 was excited to draw the slip and it came out - Do language arts in the bathtub with pillows instead of water. (Thank you Lori D.!). The best part of it is that, in addition to DD looking forward to our school day, we were more alert and focused on our read aloud. I think we accomplished more in an academic sense because we were pulled out of our normal routine.


And DH came up with a good one for Thursday "Thumpin' Thursday" when he takes DD to the driving range early on Thursday mornings and is teaching her to play golf before he goes to work. So now we have Mental Mondays, Tea is for Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday, Thumpin' Thursday, and Fun Filled Fridays.


Our first week of homeschooling has been going more smoothly than I expected.

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