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Goodreads vs Library Thing

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What are the differences?


I have used Library Thing for a few years now, but never did finish loading all my books to it. Now I've signed up with Goodreads. Is this basically the same thing? Which is better? I know that's subjective, but why do YOU like one over the other?

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I use LibraryThing purely for cataloging our books. I like their system for adding books and retrieval system. I've had LT for a long time, though.


I use Goodreads purely for tracking reading, whether they're our books or the library's. I have sign-ins for me, my 6yo and my 5yo. I also like the social aspects of Goodreads better than LT's.

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Ok, that helps. Thanks! I want something mainly for keeping track of the books I have. I like LT's tag system. I have a spreadsheet I use to keep track of the books each child has read. Sounds like I should just stick to LT. I can't handle using both.

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