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Funny things kids say....

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I posted recently about my DH not wanting us to HS my younger kids. Well tonight we were all riding in the car and DH and I were discussing our reasoning behind our choices and one of my 4.5 year olds pipes up from behind me and shouts:


" We Homeschool! We Homeschool! I LOVE Homeschool!"


I couldn't stop laughing!

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What a vote of convidence! :lol:


Tonight we were watching HoodWinked 2 with the kids for our Friday Night Movie Night, and during one of the villain scenes my 7 year old pipes up with "The bad guys always laugh when they make plans."


I had to commend her skills of observation. :p

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Homeschooling little ones is fun. Glad your little is on the hsing side!


Dh was flipping channels and stopped on Jay Leno, Are You Smarter than Sarah Palin? :lol: They were asking people on the street about Paul Revere, Ben Franklin, etc, things that dd was answering right away, and she was saying "I knew that, that's easy." Dh says, deadpan, "That's because you're homeschooled, dd." ;) Without missing a beat, dd says "I know!"

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