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help..natural progesterone or mini pill an does np ....

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Saw gyn today. He is not against emerita the natural proges, but as a. Dr he cannot recommend it. He gave me a script for micronor, the mini pill. My question is does np help eliminate spotting prior to your periods and does it slow your bleeding? Because I have iron def anemia I need to have something to get rid of spotting and slow my bleeding down. I need to make a decision. Could you share your thoughts? Please do not suggest ablation. Not interested in that at this time. Thanks!


Edited for spelling because I was texting from my phone.

Edited by dancer67
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Well, first off, I'd see about getting the anemia corrected. It is no longer thought that menses causes or exacerbates anemia. Then I'd get hormone levels tested by a blood draw to determine where the hormone imbalance is. Once that is addressed you'll be able to make a decision about bcp or np cream. Putting a bandaid on your symptoms isn't fixing the problem. It will only make it worse in the end.

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Well, first off, I'd see about getting the anemia corrected. It is no longer thought that menses causes or exacerbates anemia. Then I'd get hormone levels tested by a blood draw to determine where the hormone imbalance is. Once that is addressed you'll be able to make a decision about bcp or np cream. Putting a bandaid on your symptoms isn't fixing the problem. It will only make it worse in the end.


I see a hematologist. And my anemia was corrected for a long time, but I was having some upper GI issues and had to stop my iron pills for a bit. My HG dipped to around 11.7. I am due for an iron panel mid-september.

Prior to that it was good and only had mild iron deficiency.


And where did you here that your menses did not cause anemia?


Either way I am sick of spotting and would really like to slow down my bleeding. It isn't horrific, but enough on day 2. And the less I bleed, the better my iron stores will be.


I had colonoscopy and have been cleared. it is def from my periods. And I am negative for celiac.

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I see a hematologist. And my anemia was corrected for a long time, but I was having some upper GI issues and had to stop my iron pills for a bit. My HG dipped to around 11.7. I am due for an iron panel mid-september.

Prior to that it was good and only had mild iron deficiency.


And where did you here that your menses did not cause anemia?


Either way I am sick of spotting and would really like to slow down my bleeding. It isn't horrific, but enough on day 2. And the less I bleed, the better my iron stores will be.


I had colonoscopy and have been cleared. it is def from my periods. And I am negative for celiac.

There was a post on the boards a while back about it being officially an old wives tale or at least outdated thinking.


Essentially the system is "closed." It isn't the same as if one is bleeding out or if one is bleeding from say, colitis. The build up is so gradual that the body doesn't/can't loose iron. When the lining is shed it is just shed like excess skin cells. Menses no more cause anemia than loosing dead skin causes a cut.


It may be simply because you are not consuming enough iron. What is your red meat consumption like? Do you cook with cast iron?


Have your hormone levels checked.

Edited by Parrothead
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There was a post on the boards a while back about it being officially an old wives tale or at least outdated thinking.


Essentially the system is "closed." It isn't the same as if one is bleeding out or if one is bleeding from say, colitis. The build up is so gradual that the body doesn't/can't loose iron. When the lining is shed it is just shed like excess skin cells. Menses no more cause anemia than loosing dead skin causes a cut.



That is an interesting theory. Never thought of it that way. But if I have been checked through colonoscopy, biopsies, etc. Why am I anemic or iron deficient then? What else would cause it?


Either way, I am sick of dealing with my periods, so I am still wondering on the Nat Prog. or the Micronor.

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That is an interesting theory. Never thought of it that way. But if I have been checked through colonoscopy, biopsies, etc. Why am I anemic or iron deficient then? What else would cause it?


Either way, I am sick of dealing with my periods, so I am still wondering on the Nat Prog. or the Micronor.

Simply not having enough of an iron intake would cause anemia.


I get the whole sick of the periods thing. Sorry I can't give you any advice on either of your current choices.


Well, actually, I can. Go with the most natural choice. The body doesn't need a bunch of synthetics in it.

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I'd go with the natural progesterone. The Mini-pill is not progesterone, it's progestin, a synthetic version of progesterone and so isn't treated quite the same way by your body. Also, progesterone of any kind taken orally is not well-absorbed because something like 80% is filtered out by your liver. A cream or shot is best because it gets the progesterone into the blood stream which means it can get more directly to your reproductive system.


Is your major symptom bleeding prior to your period? Has your progesterone been tested? Are you TTC or just trying to get healthy? If you're TTC I suggest a NaPro doctor, at least look into if there's one near you, they are experts on treating fertility problems and really all reproductive problems even if you're not TTC. They frequently use progesterone and can give a lot of info on it.


I have had low progesterone for a long time, probably because my thyroid is always a tiny bit off. What helped me 2 years ago was going on the Maker's Diet, that helped me get pregnant after 9 months of no success with that. I've tried going back on the diet now but am struggling to maintain it so I'm trying the progesterone cream to help, jury's still out on how effective it is since it's been just a few cycles.

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No.....Not TTC. I am 43;) Going through the lovely perimenopausal years. I have spotting prior to my periods. Been going on for two years. Given a clean bill of health by GYN and regular Dr. Except my iron def anemia.

Sick of the 4-5 days of spotting then two days of heavier bleeding.


Hoping the natural porgesterone would help that. And the sore breasts.

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